• communicative translation    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 群輪錄影企業有限公司

      ...的觀念,合理的價格外,卻臻於品質的要求。We at TVi are the translation house used by multinational TV Channels such as HBO Asia, Cinemax, Discovery and more; translating programs such as the OSCARS and famous drama series such as Sex and the City, news programs such as Associated Pres...

      電話:02-27667104    地址:台北市松山區八德路四段135號5樓之3
    2. SITA

      SITA is the worlds leading specialist in air transport communications and IT solutionsWe deliver and manage business solutions for airline, airport, GDS, government and other customers over the worlds most extensive network, which forms the communications backbone of the global air transport industr...

      電話:03-3983336    地址:桃園縣大園鄉桃園機場二期航廈4024室
    3. 安益國際展覽股份有限公司

      安益集團─Live Communication的領導品牌 總公司成立於1960年,台灣安益集團成立於1982年,分公司遍佈歐亞洲,專業人員超過800名。 訊息、感動、魅力、鎂光燈的焦點 Uniplan透過大型活動、展覽、展示館、企業識別館、行銷活動及會...

      電話:02-27585450    地址:台北市信義區基隆路一段333號4樓408室
    4. 葆得電子科技股份有限公司

      BaudTec was founded in Talpel, Taiwan and develops data communications products for home and business users. These include Intemet access products such as 56Kbps fax modem, XDSL,Networking devices,and Volp Etc,The Baud Tec team consists employees who enrich this company with 5 to 15 years of experie...

      電話:02-26438458    地址:新北市汐止區大同路一段181號12樓地圖
    5. SEA Tongue

      SEA Tongue is a translation/localization company based in Malaysia. For more company info, please visit www.seatongue.com.

      電話:091-123456    地址:台北市信義區

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